
To Wish Impossible Things

My mom gave me a tube of Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer tonight.

It makes my lips tingle. It's heaven in a tube. Mine is Merlot colored.

And while we're on the subject, check out the links to my

Top Ten Girlie Makeupy Thingies I Wish I Could Afford:

(feel free to hit up my donation button on the left to contribute to my makeup/lotion/shiny things obsession)

1. Hope In a Jar

2. Brown Sugar Body Polish

3. Body Frosting, any kind

4. Bath & Body Works Tutti Dolci Body Buff

5. Bobbi Brown Beach shimmer powder

6. Bliss Plum Plum Body Oil

7. Deep Steep Honey bubble bath

8. Girlactik Star Gloss

9. Philosophy's Birthday Party

10. Philosophy's Pool Party

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Honorable Mentions:

* The Gingerbread Man

* The Sweet Shop Collection

* Urban Decay Lip Stain