
Three down, one to go ..

Today is my last day of Spring quarter. I have a math final to take at 6pm and then I'm done!

Here's a little snippet of a conversation I'm having on msn with my boyfriend Paul .... Enjoy!

Stef says:
jesus, the guy next to me is on the phone and I can hear everything this girl is saying to him
Paulie says:
oh oh
Stef says:
It's going like this:
Stef says:
she: where are you?
Stef says:
him: the library.
Stef says:
she: what you doing?
Stef says:
him: checking stuff
Stef says:
she: you're being quiet.
Stef says:
he: yeah cuz I'm in the library.
Stef says:
she: something must be wrong.
Stef says:
Paulie says:
Paulie says:
oh my god!
Stef says:
she sounds annoying and suspicious
Paulie says:
I'm glad we're not like that!
Stef says:
me too!!!
Stef says:
oh nooooo ...
Paulie says:
some people baby!
Stef says:
she: I love you
Stef says:
he: I love you too
Stef says:
she: are you SURE there's nothing wrong???
Stef says:
he: I swear!! I'm in the library!!
Stef says:
she: oooooooook. If you are sure.
Paulie says:
Stef says:
I want to say to this dude, girls are fucking annoying aren't they?
Paulie says:
what does he look like?
Stef says:
a dick with clothes on
Paulie says:
hahaha jesus!!
Stef says:
a penis in a baseball cap
Stef says:
with sandals
Paulie says:
haha oooh sandals
Paulie says:
that's not right
Stef says:
HE's not right
Stef says:
and neither is his girlfriend evidentally
Stef says:
haha, it's fun to make fun of people with you
Stef says:
I can't wait til we can do it together
Paulie says:
it is...I wish I could be there