
A few of my favorite things ....

Recently I posted a wish list for cosmetics that are way out of my (and most people's) price range.

Today, I'm posting some of my favorites which I already own .. maybe you might like them too.

I realize this is a very girly post. Don't worry, it won't be an all the time thang.

1. This fragrance is Gucci Rush 2 .. Paul gave it to me for Christmas and I absolutely love it. It smells really great ... kinda vanilla mixed with patchouli but not overpowering at all.

2. This is Jergen's Natural Glow lotion. It starts to darken your skin tone just after a few uses. It also has just a tiny bit of sheen in it, not quite glittery, but something that makes your skin sparkle just a little. The only downside to it is it contains caramel, which isn't the most pleasant smell in the world, at least to me anyway. But if you wear it overnight you can wash it off in the morning and it's A-ok.

3. Anything of the Burt's Bees brand is awesome, but this foot creme is really awesome. It's smells like coconut and it goes on like a salve. If you slather it on and then wear cotton socks over it, it makes your feet feel really soft.

4. I love this foundation. It's like a whipped mousse, and it is more mattefying that any other foundation I've found out there, and it lasts all day.

5. Last but not least, this is Dove Supreme Silkening Shower Gel. Paul gave it to me for Christmas and I've yet to see it here in the States, but maybe soon ... or I didn't think of this before, but maybe it's called something else here. I'll look around for it next time I go shopping.

Did you know that if you blast your hair with a little cool water (or cold, if you can stand it) after shampooing and conditioning it, it makes it shinier? It's true .. I've tried it now for about a week and it works. Neat =D