Well, first, I would hope that it's a warm city to begin with, somewhere beachy .. because sleeping on a beach doesn't sound all that terrible to me. But just in case it wasn't, I would find the nearest hotel and walk in, telling the attendant, "I am staying here this evening in room 204 and it's a bit chilly in there, and also, I need an extra pillow." After obtaining my blanket and pillow I would walk down the hall and promptly out the nearest exit to find the safest, warmest corner to sleep in, not exactly an alley but maybe one of those booths where people wait on buses or trains.
I would find the nearest soup kitchen and eat there as many times per day as they allowed. No soup kitchen in that town? I would collect cans and bottles, return them to the nearest recycling center, and be a Dollar Menu-aire at McDonald's or someplace for my meals.
Hopefully I could find a public restroom or two suitable for locking the door and taking a quick "bath" to keep myself clean. Kinda like in that movie The Pursuit of Happyness. If I could keep myself reasonably presentable, I would try to find a job at a restaurant where I could work decent hours and eat for free during my breaks.
But those are just my ideas, I probably wouldn't know exactly what I would do until I was faced with the situation. What would Michael Weston of USA Network's Burn Notice do?
Starting June 28th, Weston, a CIA Operative on the new show Burn Notice, will show us how he deals with a similar situation.
Visit http://www.usanetwork.com/series/burnnotice to learn how he survives.
How would YOU survive?