
Wish I had time.

This summer, my college is offering a one-week intensive Holocaust study. You can sit in on it and just learn, or you can pay a fee and earn credit.

A man named Herbert Hochhauser is the speaker. He was a child during the Holocaust and was hidden. He was 10 years old when the war ended.

The literal meaning of the word "holocaust" is 'destruction by fire.' The class is said to be overwhelming and while it talks of so much tragedy, it also includes stories of courage.

I would really love to take the class, but I'll be in summer classes already by that time and they are everyday except Fridays for 2 hours a day. The Holocaust class is for 7 hours a day for a week. There's no way I could do both.

=/ I miss all the good stuff sometimes.

Anyway, it's been offered for the past 16 summers here so maybe I can do it some other time.